Having breast enlargement is a big decision. It’s major surgery, the results are not guaranteed and there are some risks to think about. During the operation, implants are inserted into your breasts to increase their size, change their shape, or make them more even. Breast enlargement is often known as a “boob job” or breast augmentation.

While studies have not found evidence that breast implants, either silicone gel or saline, are connected with serious disease, there are still risks. There are also long-term implications. Here are some of the breast implant safety issues that you need to consider, curated by online pokie.

The need for further surgeries

Over time, breast implants wear out and need to be replaced. How long do breast implants last? There’s no definitive answer. In general, rupture becomes more likely as breast implants age. The FDA estimates that breast implants should last at least ten years. Studies have shown that some breast implants last much longer than that and others much less.

Rupture isn’t the only problem that requires surgery

Over time, breast implants can change shape. One breast might start to look very different from the other. Sometimes, the tissue around the implant hardens, a condition called capsular contracture. Surgery is the only way to fix capsular contracture.

If you get breast implants and want to maintain your breast size and shape for the rest of your life, you should be prepared to have a number of additional surgeries. The surgery to replace an implant is not as involved as the original procedure. However, the risk of complications is actually higher. In addition, insurance rarely pays for these revision surgeries.


Breast implants may permanently alter your breast tissue. If you decide to have the implants removed, your breasts may not return to the shape they had before the surgery. Your breasts may stay dimpled or wrinkled.

Changes in appearance and sensation

Breast implants can cause a loss of sensation in the breast and nipple, as well as pain. They can sometimes result in excessive scarring and wrinkling.

Associated health problems

Some studies have found associations between breast implants and certain health conditions. Disturbingly, several studies have found an increased risk of alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicide in women with breast implants. However, experts generally don’t think that the breast implants are the cause of these problems. Instead, they suspect that a small minority of women who get breast implants also have underlying psychological problems that can lead to substance abuse or suicide. If you’re concerned, discuss the issue with your doctor. There will be no health issues when you’re playing games at online casinos New Zealand, but that’s considering you follow healthy procedures in your daily life.

Surgical complications

Like any surgery, getting breast implants poses risks. Some women have surgical infections, bleeding, and swelling.

Other issues

Some studies suggest that breast implants can make breastfeeding more difficult or impossible. They may prevent a woman from producing milk. Breast implants can also interfere with the accuracy of mammograms that screen for breast cancer.

Scarring or problems with wound healing

Although one study found that only 1 percent of breast augmentation patients disliked their scars, risks can occur when incisions are made.

Blood clots, hematoma, and other post-surgery complications

Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully to minimize the risk of these problems.

Increased risk of infection

Although hospitals work hard to keep operating and recovery rooms as clean and sterile as possible, surgeries can increase the risks that germs could invade and an infection could result.