Age is just a number, but there’s no shame in wanting your skin to look a little more plump, dewy, and line-free. We asked makeup artists, dermatologists, and other experts to spill the top tricks and tips they have to reverse some of the earliest signs of aging—fast. These are the seven ways, from, you can look and feel your best at any age.

  1. Follow A CTM Routine

Never forget the three most important steps of skincare – cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. Whether you are just starting your day or going to bed, always follow a proper CTM routine. Cleanse your skin thoroughly at the beginning of the day and prep it with a good-quality toner and moisturizer before you put on makeup. Don’t forget to remove the makeup, sebum, and dirt built up on your face and tone and moisturize it at night. This helps reduce breakouts and dullness.

  1. Wear Sunscreen

Constant exposure to UV rays speeds up the skin-aging process and cause dark spots, freckles, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles. So, apply sunscreen every time you step out during the day, even if it’s cloudy! Pick a sunscreen that has at least SPF 30 and PA+ (or higher) rating because SPF only protects your skin from UVB rays. Sunscreens with PA+ ratings protect you from UVA rays as well.

  1. Get Products With Anti-Aging Ingredients

Retinoids and collagen-based skincare products are your secret weapon to keeping your skin looking young. Retinoid (or retinol) is a derivative of vitamin A that has anti-aging properties. It helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles and boosts collagen production (1). While retinol creams are easily available over the counter, you need a doctor’s prescription for retinoid-based products as they are a bit stronger. You can also invest in a collagen-boosting cream or serum or take collagen supplements. However, consult the doctor before taking any supplements.

  1. Do Not Forget Your Hands And Legs

The skin on the back of your hands is much thinner than on the rest of your body. So, even if your face looks young, your hands can give away your age! Apply sunscreen on your hands and legs as well before stepping out. To prevent dry skin on your hands, massage them with hand cream regularly. This also keeps your nails and cuticles nourished. At night, apply generous amounts of moisturizer to your hands and legs. Use body scrub once a week to remove dead skin cells.

  1. Do Not Forget Your Lips

Chapped and dry lips can make you look dull. Moreover, because the skin on your lips is much thinner, it ages more quickly when not cared for. So, before hitting the bed, moisturize your lips with a good-quality lip balm. Wear a lip balm with SPF during the day. Always moisturize your lips before applying lipstick. This will protect them from any damage caused by the chemicals in the lipsticks.

  1. Exfoliate Your Skin

Your skin needs to shed the dead cells in order to breathe easier and look fresh, and exfoliation helps in that process. You may use a scrub once or twice a week or go for chemical peels. Most skin clinics offer chemical peel services (containing AHA and BHAs) that you can go for as per your dermatologist’s recommendation to boost your skin radiance, just like you get recommendation from a friend to play games from New Zealand online casino sites.

  1. Avoid Over Styling Your Hair

You may love straightening or curling your hair or using too many products. But at a certain age, you need to stop doing it as it can damage the cuticles and make your hair appear dull and more prone to breakage. Also, avoid over-washing your hair as it can strip away its natural oils and make it look dry and lifeless.