Keeping your home clean is one of the best ways to keep pests at bay. Regularly vacuum, wipe, and wash floors, walls, and counters.

You can also keep pests away by eliminating sources of food. Seal all new foods in sealed containers, and remove discarded food waste regularly.

Keep Your Home Clean

Keeping your home clean and organized is one of the best pest prevention measures. In addition, it can help reduce stress and give you a sense of well-being.

Keep clutter out of your home by storing only the things you use or enjoy regularly. It might sound counterintuitive, but getting rid of unused items can save you time and effort in the long run.

In addition, vacuuming, mopping, and dusting surfaces can make your home less attractive to pests. It can also make you more aware of areas where they might be looking for a new home.

Routinely check your doors and windows for tiny gaps that might be what do stink bugs eat. Seal these openings with caulk or steel wool.

Get Rid of Clutter

Clutter provides pests with shelter and food, making it difficult to rid your home of them. It is a primary reason for pest infestations.

The best way to combat clutter is to eliminate the things you don’t need or use. This will reduce the risk of attracting pests to your home and give you peace of mind.

It also improves the quality of your indoor air, which helps promote a healthy environment.

Having less stuff means you will spend less time searching for misplaced items and make it easier to keep your home clean.

In addition, removing clutter will help you get a better idea of what is truly necessary. This will boost productivity and improve relationships, reducing stress and anxiety.

Seal Off Entry Points

Rats, mice, and insects have a habit of finding ways into your home or business that you may never even realize. They can squeeze through the tiniest holes and gaps, such as vents located anywhere in your home, gaps under garage door seals, or cracks in the foundation.

A pest professional can locate these key entry points and use metal materials to seal them permanently. These techniques can be an excellent way to keep rodents out of your home for good.

Sealing off the three main things pests need to survive–food, water, and shelter–is one of the essential parts of pest prevention. A professional should inspect your home or business thoroughly and identify all possible entry points that could attract pests, such as cracks in the foundation, drain pipes, garbage shoots, weeds, and more.

Seal Up Food Containers

To keep pests out of your kitchen, you must seal any opened food containers. This includes foods like sauces, juices, and condiments.

If these containers leak, they may quickly introduce bacteria or insects into your home. This is especially true of plastic or snap-lid containers that have been used a few times.

You can also use tamper-evident packaging to lock up your products. For example, place a sticker over plastic soda cups or glass juice bottles to indicate they cannot be opened or tampered with.

Keep Trash Out

Trash cans and dumpsters are prime habitats for pests like roaches, rodents, flies, and wasps. In addition, their gnawing, chewing, and pecking can spread germs that could harm building occupants or visitors.

If you want to stop pests from raiding your garbage, consider these tips and tricks.

The first step is to keep trash out of the house altogether. This will reduce the number of pests living near your home.

Seal your garbage in tight, heavy-duty trash bags that are tear-resistant. It’s also a good idea to place mesh screens around your foundation and attic vents to discourage pests from finding their way inside your house.

Another simple step to protect your home from unwanted visitors is to use bungee cords or clips to keep your trash can lid closed. These are a surefire way to prevent pests from entering your trash cans.